Here are a few testimonials from clients following readings and character references too:
I had the privilege of having Lisa to myself for an hour this morning on a zoom call. We only met from networking a week ago yet I feel like we have known each other for ages. I felt a real synergy with Lisa from the off and I am so glad we decided to have the card reading and the spiritual readings this morning. I sincerely believe our paths have crossed for a reason and this is the start of my own journey into healing myself and others around me. I resonated with everything Lisa put to me and we had tears and laughter as I was reminded of the free happy much younger me. Thank you Lisa from the bottom of my heart for confirming I am on the right path with some choices to still make along the way. Anyone considering connecting with Lisa on a discovery journey she is 5 * all the way. Sue x

Sue Wragg
I recently had a reading session with Lisa and it was one of the best reading experiences I have had. Lisa truly has a very special gift and she delivered the reading with such warmth, compassion & authenticity. The reading was highly insightful and has given me the tools and guidance to help me move forward at a pivotal point of my life.

Stephanie Pound
Today I had a very positive conversation with Lisa, it has helped lift my spirits and to focus again after a very hard turmoil of a couple of years, I feel I have gained a clear focus. All the things we discussed really helped. I found the lovely friendly approach and the clear directions I received from my experience have lifted my soul. Totally highly recommend reaching out to Lisa.

Perry Dewhurst
She is a lovely woman I had a lovely reading and she was able to Channel my inner thoughts and fears and help me understand and gave me some guidance and help me I would recommend a reading with her

Lisa Jayne Botfield
Last week I decided I'd love to try an intuitive reading with Lisa. I was totally blown away with the information Lisa came out with. There is just no way Lisa could have known the facts she did without spending 24/7 living my life! Such a great soul and in touch with the spiritual world and very accurate. The one person I had needed to come through did, and with information that only family would know. I have felt the most at ease now after my session. I can highly recommend Lisa to anyone looking for clarification in life.
On another note, I'm also in the process of reading Lisa's book, Katie, A new chapter - she is an inspirational writer and so far I feel like I'm 'in' the story. I can't wait to see how it ends. Carol

Carol McIntyre
Lisa & I met around 5 or 6 years ago at an awareness class I’m sure she surprised herself that night as we worked together reading for each other. Lifelong friendship had been kindled she just has the ability to ‘know’ how to make a bad day better, give sound advice, reassurances, a pointer in the right direction, support, confidence …. she’s my ‘go-to’ person. She never ceases to amaze me, great reader, listener, crystal therapist & now an author. She gives everything she does her all in every way. Everyone needs a Lisa in their life x Thank you

Alison Westwood
I met Lisa just over 12 months ago at an open day for women. I instantly clicked with her.. and I knew she needed to be in my life. I had a reading off her, and it transformed my whole life 360 degrees. She gave me the tools I needed to change the awful situation I was in, and on a personal level, she has helped me ever since. I see Lisa as a wonderful kind lady, full of generous amounts of love and generosity. She, to me, is an Earth Angel. She knows instinctively when I am low and she will message.. when just to say hello. I have only known Lisa a short while… but I know I couldn’t be without her friendship now. She gives 110% to anything she turns her hand to, and always has a lovely welcoming smile. Thank you, Lisa, for all you have taught me about myself.. helping me blow away the clouds that were blocking my vision. Xxx Thank you so much

Mandy Canning
So, my tribute to the lovely Lisa. I was kinda thrown into a position with Rentokil Initial I.T. Cleaning, with a small amount of training. But, there she was, like a beacon in the dark, always on the other end of my mobile. Lisa was the Princess in the Ivory Tower at Dudley. There were days I didn’t even know what motorway I was travelling on to get to a poor, defaced atm! Lisa always had the answer, calmed my irate and extremely bad temper, and, trust me, that is not easy to do. With help from Lisa, I learned to love my job and I am still quite passionate when it comes to atm’s lol. It didn’t take long for a lasting friendship to grow between us. I don’t think we have ever had a cross word. As well as supporting me through work, Lisa helped me through the years I had to cope with cancer. This is a lady that, while fighting her own daemons, can make you smile in the worst of circumstances. It has been amazing, and troubling at times, watching Lisa’s life turn from one path to another. I truly believe that this is a good path with the bad shit dealt with, some maybe shelved for another day, and a bright, happy Lisa moving forward in a positive way. Love you to the moon and back buddy xxxxx

Julia Slater
Wow, a longer character reference:
I don’t remember how Lisa and I became friends, but I am so glad that we did. We were both starting new jobs at the same company in an unfamiliar location to either of us. If you saw us in passing you might not immediately think we are friends and might pass us off as relatives as there’s a noticeable age difference between us. We differ in so many ways Lisa is from down South with her posh accent and I’m a northerner with my very northern Yorkshire accent.
As mentioned I don’t remember how we became such good friends but I do know where, when and why. I’ll explain why; we became friends because of Lisa’s nature, temperament, qualities and character. Lisa has amazing character and qualities such as the fact she doesn’t judge people, she is kind, caring, considerate, optimistic, professional, genuine, trustworthy and so much more. One of Lisa’s greatest traits in my opinion is her communication skills, when people typically mention another person’s traits they often say “s/he is a great listener”, I can not dispute the fact Lisa is a fantastic listener but there’s so much more that comes into communicating with her. She’s brilliant at speaking and giving you a different perspective to help see the bigger picture, she picks up on your body language, facial expressions and emotions (even emotional in written/typed text which isn’t always an easy thing to do) and she always manages to make you not only feel better but helps put things into place to become better, without ever questioning things. Many times over the summer, Lisa and I visited this amazing little cafe/bistro and we would sometimes sit for hours and talk, the conversation never lagged or felt strained. I could openly discuss issues and struggles and Lisa would help me overcome them even if it just meant listening to me rambling on. On the flip side, Lisa was and will always be one of my biggest cheerleaders, she consistently celebrates my achievements no matter how big or small, or if I celebrated them myself or not, she is so proud of her friends and family and in her eyes, every positive thing deserves celebrating, even if others make them seem insignificant. I hope I did and continue to do the same for Lisa as it’s the least she deserves. As cheesy as it sounds I can’t thank Lisa enough for her support and friendship because words can’t express how grateful I truly am.
I would always repeat the same path I took when meeting Lisa if I could ever go back in time as she is the sort of friend everybody needs yet few find.
I would recommend Lisa in both a professional and personal manner as she has so much to give to each role.

Shelby Bamforth