Are you ready to make a positive change and live your best life?
Are You Ready To Learn To Manage Your Stress Or Anxiety And Stop It Controlling You?
Are you looking for 1:1 guidance?
By working with Lisa, you will:
Make the necessary changes to live the life of your dreams
Uncover ways to control your stress or anxiety
Feel inspired
Improve your confidence
Find empathy with others
Lisa works intuitively to guide you through our sessions and get you moving on the next part of your journey.
Is it time for you to:
Learn to manage your stress or anxiety and stop it controlling you
Love Your Life again
Find happiness
Do something new
Build your confidence
Be inspired
Are you ready to take your life back into your own hands?
How to work with Lisa
- Download and complete Lisa’s coaching discovery call questionnaire.
- Return the questionnaire to her at
- Lisa will read through your questionnaire and book a mutually convenient date and time to discuss working together (usually 15 -20 minutes.)
- Once it has been established that you are able to work together with her, she will schedule your first session. Please allow up to an hour and a half for the sessions. Most are between 45 minutes 1 hour.
- Once your first session is confirmed, payment is required and, she will send you her bank details. Payment by monthly instalments is also available.
- Lisa will send a zoom link (once payment or first payment is received.)
- Before your session, she will read through your questionnaire again, make notes and have an outline plan for the session.
- During the session, she will use her intuition as well as her skills as a coach to ask you some tough questions, hold you to account and support you in changing your life.
- At the end of each session, you and Lisa will review and agree on the next course of action and will schedule your next session.
What Lisa needs from you
You must:
- Be willing to make the change.
- Carry out the work agreed for you to do in each session.
- Be honest and open.
Sessions are completed via zoom.
Book a call with Lisa.
Thank you for reading.
To read a few of her recommendations and testimonials, please click here.
Group sessions are available to businesses and Lisa is available for speaking engagements.