
Intuitive Guidance.

Hi, my name is Lisa. I deliver spiritual messages to people and write books.

What happens in a typical reading which lasts from 30 minutes to an hour, is:

I connect with spirit to deliver their messages.

Spirit make themselves known through sight or feel.

Their messages will mean nothing to me, but they will mean something to you.

Messages will always be what you need but, rarely if ever, what you expect.

A reading from me is only for guidance or confirmation that you are on the right path (or that there is a possibility of a different one.)

What I need from you 

Keep an open mind and heart.

Communicate clearly with me so that spirit can hear your voice to ensure a good connection.

Try to stick to yes/no answers, don’t feed me information.

If something is incorrect, please tell me.

Be honest. Don’t say yes if you are unable to take the information. The reading may not be for you but could be for someone you know.

Take the messages as guidance to move forward in your life.  Remember, the choice is yours whether you take their advice or not.


Click here to book your reading the charge is £165 per session.

Couples and group readings available including parties and house visits (depending on numbers and location.)

Please contact me for couples & group prices. 

If you would like to read a few testimonials and character references, please click here.

Case study

Pivotal Life Change

A few months ago, I worked with Bella.  She was in an awful situation at work, which also affected her home life.

We met for just over an hour via video link, and through my connecting to her family member, she received messages pertinent to her life in the past and currently.

Just over six months later, she is embarking on a pivotal life and career change and now feels like a different person – the person she should be.  Happier and feeling liberated.

Thank you for reading.

Lots of Love, Light & Gratitude.

Lisa xxx